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Facebook Ads - Step by Step - facilitated by Kathy

Tue, May 21


Online - please ensure you have 2 screens

From creating your perfect audience to obtaining leads ONLY 25 TICKETS AVAILABLE

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Facebook Ads - Step by Step - facilitated by Kathy
Facebook Ads - Step by Step - facilitated by Kathy

Time & Location

May 21, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM GMT+8

Online - please ensure you have 2 screens

About the Event

Kathy will walk you through excatly how she gets such incredible ROI and REAL LEADS from her Facebook Ads set up

You will learn

  1. how to set up the perfect audience
  2. how to target that perfect audience
  3. how to obtain REAL LEADS (names, email addresses and telephone numbers)

Facebook advertising isn't difficult but it does require a knack and time spent to get it right - You can waste a lot of time and money into what feels like a big black hole

Let me help you maximise your time and every penny spent 



PLEASE NOTE THAT MANY PEOPLE TOLD ME THAT I SHOULD CHARGE $15 PER PERSON FOR THIS ONLINE BIZ DEV SESSION - because I said it would be free I have found a compromise - if you think the training was good you can BUY ME A COFFEE by following this link I love this page - it's basically a way to say "what you did was awesome, let me get you a coffee to say thank you" without actually needing to find time in your diary for coffee ha ha

Special note about the ONLINE SYSTEM - this is the first time I will be using my embedded online conferencing platform - so there may be some hicups - I'd recommend login early and set a few extra minutes aside, thanks so much for understanding

This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.


  • PPP

    SGD 0.00
    Sale ended


SGD 0.00

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