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GENERAL 8 Pregnant and Popped 13 May 2023 CREDIT Empowa and Sugarlight Photography.jpg

30% off POSTnatal support



Have you heard about Pregnant and Popped? We are a network of Perinatal Specialists that are dedicated to helping new mums and families, and Empowa is your Host. 

We have a support group with over 700 members(!) including the Pregnant and Popped Professional Partners, providing 24/7 support for YOU, we hold THE Baby Fair for MUMS every 6 months (approx), regular ONLINE and IN PERSON events to EMPOWA YOUR MOTHERHOOD, and you'll be sure to get an EXCLUSIVE INVITATIONS to all of this!

If you have used any of the Pregnant and Popped Professional Partners then you are already part of a very special empowa'd group of families and we want to continue that support as much as we can.

Empowa offers all customers of Pregnant and Popped Professional Partners 30% discount off POSTpartum Home Support Packages with Empowa.

Terms and Conditions apply, please see email for more details

Get your 30% discount code NOW

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Please only apply for this discount if you have truly purchased products or services with one or more of these companies. Please note that we MAY verify purchase with our partners. If a purchase cannot be verified it may render the associated Discount Code null and void. Only 1 discount code per family.

Your email address and contact details will be added to our mailing list to ensure that we provide you with the very best, evidence based, advice and support for your motherhood journey. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button on our emails or emailing

THANK YOU AGAIN FOR TRUSTING US TO HELP YOU ON THIS JOURNEY, IT'S A PLEASURE AND A PRIVILEGE. Please check your emails in a few moments for your discount code.

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