A true story :- this blog post was first written and published on Kathy's pregnancy blog Baby Blue in Bangkok
You may be like me and think that all the talk about eating things to make you produce more booby milk is hocus pocus, but I found out it wasn’t simply by accident.
I was attending a BAMBI playgroup at Steps with Theera one Sunday morning and happily munching on a plate of biscuits, they were gorgeous, oaty, crunchy yet soft, sweet but with some background bitterness, they were so yum I ate at least 4 of them. Then I found out they were so called ‘lactation cookies’, I rolled my eyes and thought nothing of it. Until I pumped later that day and, to my surprise, pumped 30mls more than I normally would….since then my husband made booby biscuits (as they are called in our house) every week for a long while, and he got rather good at it.
He started with a well known recipe from www.bellybelly.com.au which he has tweaked a little over time. We try to find the best quality products possible, but I appreciate this isn’t always possible. I’m also quite certain that there must also be a placebo element to this, but if my placebo is a yummy cookie, then hey ho, bring it on! The raw dough is meant to be a bit more potent than the cooked cookies, but obviously be careful about raw egg products and definitely don’t eat raw cookie dough if you are pregnant.
I finally got around to writing out the recipe for you all to use and share...
Pssst did you know that you can request a batch, specially homemade for you by my husband.
What is so special about Lactation Cookies?
Some of the key ingredients in my husbands (and many other) Lactation cookies are individually believed to help increase milk supply i.e. they are believed to be Galactagogue’s
Although there is no scientific evidence regarding oatmeal and milk supply, oatmeal does seem to work for some (myself included). Oatmeal is a source of iron, and low iron levels can result in decreased milk supply, so it makes sense that eating something high in iron might increase milk supply. It is also thought that there may be a link between decreasing cholesterol levels and increasing milk production. Oat bran, which is in oatmeal, is also known to help lower cholesterol (1).
Flaxseed meal has been included as an ingredient in the lactation cookies recipe because it's high in omega-3 and dietary fibre. It contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium (2). However please note that there have been studies (in rats) that suggest flaxseed can affect the adrenal glands of offspring if taken by the mother during lactation. It might be worth noting that the rats had consumed the equivalent of what would be 9 spoonfuls (200g) a day and this recipe only calls for 2 spoonfuls (30g) for approx. 14 biscuits (3).
Brewer’s Yeast
This contains protein, iron, and B vitamins, as well as chromium, selenium, and other trace minerals. It comes from a fungus called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It can be used for baking, brewing beer, and making wine, is thought to be a galactagogue, increase energy levels, and elevate mood. I haven’t found any specific studies to explain why (or even, if) brewer's yeast increases lactation but I also haven’t found any studies that disprove this. Many women (including midwifery and lactation specialists) report that it helps. But, it might not work for everyone. It is also worth noting that it has been proven to reduce the incidence and duration of the common cold, so if nothing else that has to be a good thing (4). Some studies show that it may help lower cholesterol levels (5), which again might explain the link to improving breast milk supply.
You can tweak the amount of brewers yeast if you would like to try to better results, although it does add a bitter taste so you may need to adjust the sugar or chocolate and raisins to accommodate.
The bottom line for all lactation queries is your lactation professional. Speak to your Doctor or your lactation specialist if you have supply or breastfeeding concerns.
And always remember that I am here if you need me! Specialising in physical and emotional evidence based support in those first few days, weeks and months of having a baby.
All my best wishes
(5) www.verywell.com
The best cookies 🤤