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New Mums
"The birth of my daughter was a monumental shift for me. Having built my career across London and Asia, life just suddenly stood still. A massive full stop. I wasn’t prepared for it, I didn’t have the support network I needed at the time. Some very special people came into my life and showed me how to be happy in motherhood, and have a career. They gave me a vision to ensure other women feel supported, and empowered, postnatally, through motherhood and their career."
Kathy, Founder of Empowa, Postpartum Doula and Lifestyle Consultant
20 min
2 hr
4 hr
1 hr
- Learn more
Sally Connell is a Registered Nurse & Certified Breastfeeding Specialist (Child & Family Health)
1 hr 30 min
What is the difference between a 2 hour and 4 hours home visit?
Honest answer is that a 4 hour consultation gives you a better chance to grab a shower and a mum nap between feeds.
During a 2 hour consultation your POSTpartum Doula can normally support you with 1 feeding session, 1 burping session and 1 settling session, but in 4 hours we normally manage to cover these essential transitions a minimum twice, and you may even get a nap yourself.
Events for New Mums
- Tue, Feb 25Online Masterclass
Information for New Mums
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